
News archive for 2012


69th WM Release

On October 22, 2012 the 69. WM Release will become effective. We would like to inform you about some upcoming alterations beforehand and corresponding impacts in WMACCESS.

New fields in the query profile Securities master data (G)

  • GD219 Issue statistics
  • GD237B Real estate profit publication (Sec. 5(2)4 of the Investment Tax Law)
  • GD270D Instrument description according to issuer (first half)
  • GD270E Instrument description according to issuer (second half)
  • GD861E Redemption price currency
  • GD861F Redemption price %
  • GD867A EU short selling ban identifier
  • GV236 Distribution licence / public offering
  • GV732 Graduated (changing) interest rates
  • GV733 Clearstream Frankfurt interest rate and currency
  • GV787 Nominal value data history

New field in the query profile Investment Fund Characteristics

  • GD869B UCITS volatility interval

New fields in the query profile Income data (E)

  • ED438A Zero identifier regarding ED438
  • EV426 German dividends (business assets)

New field in the query profile Capital measures (K)

  • KD610 French financial transaction tax

New fields in the query profile Conversion (U)

  • UD610 French financial transaction tax

New field in the query profile Stock exchanges & trading practices (X)

  • XD152A Investro fund trading deviating sale settlement period

Frozen fields

No data fields, currently used in WMACCESS, will be frozen with this WM Release.

Further information from WM Datenservice:


Please note that all customer and special information from WM Datenservice are password protected since 16.04.2012. If you do not have your login data available or not known, please contact WM Datenservice via E-Mail.



Interim release 69th WM Release
French Financial Tax Transaction / Legal Entity Identifier

On July 30, 2012 an interim release will be carried out by WM Datenservice to add short-term needed new fields.

Scope of the interim release

  • Introduction of a financial transaction tax on securities transactions on the national level in France as per August 1, 2012.
  • Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) to unambiguously identify companies

We would like to inform you about the upcoming alterations beforehand.

New fields in the query profile Securities master data (G)

  • GD609 Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)
  • GV428 French financial transaction tax

New fields in the query profile Issuer data (M)

  • MD609 Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)
  • MD610 French financial transaction tax

Frozen fields

No data fields, currently used in WMACCESS, will be frozen with this Interim Release.

Further information from WM Datenservice:


Please note that all customer and special information from WM Datenservice are password protected since 16.04.2012. If you do not have your login data available or not known, please contact WM Datenservice via E-Mail.



68th WM Release

On June 25, 2012 the 68. WM Release will become effective. We would like to inform you about some upcoming alterations beforehand and corresponding impacts in WMACCESS.

New fields in the query profile Securities master data (G)

  • GD189F Underlying index multiplier identifier
  • GD189G Underlying index multiplier
  • GD447H Limited recourse identifier
  • GV939 Euro Bond issuers

Frozen fields

The following data fields will be frozen as of the 68th WM Release.

Query profile Investment Fund Characteristics (IFK):

  • GD971A Fund granularity
  • GD971B Date re. granularity

These two fields are frozen by WM Datenservice without replacement. For existing securities, therefore, these fields are not any more updated and not provided for new issues. The display with the last valid values ​​is still available till the next WM Release on October, 22. Until then these fields will be presented as frozen.

Query profile Stock exchanges & trading practices (X):

  • XD170 Flat quotation identifier
  • XD543C Maximum spread %
  • XD543G Threshold
  • XD543H Maximum spread below the threshold
  • XD543I Maximum spread

With the 68th WM Release the field XD170 is replaced immediately by the existing field XD171 and therefore removed from the query profile Stock exchanges & trading practices (X).
The fields XD543C, XD543G, XD543H & XD543I were designed to provide data for Xetra and EUWAX. The Frankfurt Stock Exchange and the Stuttgart Stock Exchange, however, now abolished the maximum spread requirement on these plattforms. Therefore, the fields are frozen by WM and removed from the query profile X without replacement analogous to the two above mentioned IFK fields by 22.10.2012.

Further information from WM Datenservice:


Please note that all customer and special information from WM Datenservice are password protected since 16.04.2012. If you do not have your login data available or not known, please contact WM Datenservice via E-Mail.



Detail level of the table attributes in wmView

To date the detail display for key values such as "DE" only contains the up to 24-characters form text under information content. Besides standardised values such as the country code according to ISO standard 3166 often table attributes occur that cannot be interpreted immediately and unequivocally by everyone with the 24 available characters.

Current presentation of the table attributes:

24-characters form text under information - standard detail level for wmView table attributes

24-characters form text under information content for the value "K" in the WM field GD504A

With the menu item administration we have now created a possibility to change this standard setting for the current WMACCESS session.

The administration can be opened comfortably by using the WMACCESS menu:


A click on the third toolbar button from the right opens the WMACCESS menu.

Selecting option 'administration'

Click on the option 'administration' and it will open in a new window.

Changes to the detail level in the WMACCESS administration:

Options for the detail level of the table attributes in wmView

Detail level of the table attributes in wmView and wmProfile

The four available options are described in the following:

Option Description
1 For single attributes the up to 24-characters form text is displayed – this corresponds to the standard setting. This is the setting of each beginning of a new WMACCESS session.
2 For single attributes the long, detailed continuous text is displayed instead of the form text.
3 Analogous to option 1; additionally, the detailed continuous text is displayed in the tooltip of the linkage fields.
4 The most comprehensive presentation encompasses the display of the detailed continuous text for table attributes for single attributes as well as in the tooltip of the linkage fields.

Make your choice in the administration screen and implement this setting with a click on the "OK" button. The selected setting will be used immediately for the next wmView query and is only valid for the current session.

Presentation of single fields at highest detail level:

Highest detail level for single fields – display of the detailed continuous text

Highest detail level for single fields – display of the detailed continuous text

In the detail levels 3 and 4 the detailed continuous text is also displayed in the tooltip of the linkage fields.

Tooltip linkage fields at highest detail level:

Highest detail level for linkage fields – display of the continuous text in the tooltip.

Highest detail level for linkage fields – display of the continuous text in the tooltip. Here for interest calculation method 10 (ISDA rule).



Advanced hit list in query profile Corporate Actions

The hit list in the query profile Corporate Actions, which allows the search for performed and upcoming income events, capital changes, conversions, general meetings and final maturities has been extended.
The status of a corporate event is now displayed in addition to the type of event, once the Toogle function is executed.

Activate the window for the Toogle function.

A click on the headline of the last column activates the Toggle function ...

The last column is replaced by another field.

... and the window for the selection of the new information is displayed. Then just click on Status.
Alternative: [Alt] & [+] or [-] to scroll forward or backward.

Hit list with status indicator for corporate actions

The values of the Status column depends on the type of event and are represented by the following WM fields and associated tables:

  • Income:
    Payment status (Field: ED001 / Table: E13)
  • Conversions:
    Conversion status (Field: UD001 / Table: U25)
  • Capital changes:
    Capital measure status (Field: KD001 / Table: K12)
  • General meetings:
    Meeting or announcement status (Field: HD001 / Table: H25)
  • Final maturities:
    Drawing or calling status (Field: VD001 / Table: V11)



Issuer name displayed next to issuer number

Another small improvement was made ​​in the detail display of wmView.
For the following three fields

  • GD240 Original issuer number
  • GD241 Issuer number of the umbrella fund
  • GD245 Current issuer number

the associated current issuer name (MD031) will now be shown:

Display of the issuer name next to the respective issuer number

Display of the issuer name next to the respective issuer number

By clicking on the issuer number the complete issuer master data will be displayed in the query profile "(M) Issuer Data".
For more information on GD240, GD241 and GD245, in particular the allocation for funds and structured securitisation and indices, please refer to the respective field descriptions in wmGuide.



Long name as tooltip in wmView detail display

The long name of the WM fields is now available in a Tooltip in wmView and wmProfile. We consider this small enhancement very useful because the displayed abbreviated short name of many fields are sometimes difficult to interprete.

Fields with enabled field history:

Tooltip with reference to field history including field ident and its long name

Tooltip with reference to field history including field ident and its long name

The tooltip is displayed when the user hovers the cursor over the displayed short name.

Representation for fields without a field history:

Tooltip with long name for WM linkage field EV407

Tooltip with long name for WM linkage field EV407



67th WM Release

On February 27, 2012 the 67. WM Release will become effective. We would like to inform you about some upcoming alterations beforehand.

New fields in the query profile Securities master data (G)

  • GD481C Securitisation transparency

New fields in the query profile Conversion (U)

  • UD193 Durable medium URL

New fields in the query profile Maturities & Drawings (V)

  • VD013D Paydown portion of partial redemption
  • VD013E Realized loss portion of partial redemption
  • VD048 Record date within segment VVK in connection with ex dates of partial redemptions

New fields in the query profile Investment fund characteristics

  • GD869A Money market funds as per UCITS IV

Frozen fields

No data fields, currently used in WMACCESS, will be frozen with this WM Release.

Further information from WM Datenservice:


WMACCESS and www.wmaccess.com

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