
How much is a query?

Cost overview per query profile

The data search in a query profile leads to three possible direct results:

  • No data (no hits) were found for the search criteria.
    No costs.
  • Several hits (> 1) were found, which are initially displayed in a hit list.
  • Exactly one hit was found which is displayed immediately in a detailed display.

On this page you will find an overview of the query profiles with the information which query fee category is charged for a hit list or detail display.


Abbreviations in the headings are explained by tooltips. This tooltip will be displayed as soon as the mouse cursor remains stationary over the shortcut for a short time.

wmView query profiles

Name of the query profile Hit list Detail display
Cat. PM 1 PM 2 Cat. PM 1 PM 2
(B) Coupon Renewals T10.290.58 T30.751.50
(D) Options & Futures (O&F) T10.290.58 T50.400.80
(E) Dividend and Coupon Payments T10.290.58 T30.751.50
(E) Dividend and Coupon Payments - Expert T20.350.70 T30.751.50
(G) Securities Static Data T10.290.58 T30.751.50
(G) Securities Static Data - Expert T20.350.70 T30.751.50
(H) Shareholders' Meetings T10.290.58 T30.751.50
(H) Shareholders' Meetings - Expert T20.350.70 T30.751.50
(I) Fund Prices, Interim Earnings T10.290.58 T30.751.50
(J) Ongoing indicators T10.290.58 T30.751.50
(K) Capital Adjustments T10.290.58 T30.751.50
(K) Capital Adjustments - Expert T20.350.70 T30.751.50
(M) Issuer Static Data T10.290.58 T30.751.50
(P) Invalidated Securities T10.290.58 T30.751.50
(Q) Calculated bond prices T10.290.58 T61.201.80
(R) Risk Management T10.290.58 T30.751.50
(U) Conversions T10.290.58 T30.751.50
(U) Conversions - Expert T20.350.70 T30.751.50
(V) Maturities T10.290.58 T30.751.50
(V) Maturities - Expert T20.350.70 T30.751.50
(X) Stock Exchange Eligibilities T10.290.58 T30.751.50


wmProfile query profiles

Name of the query profile Hit list Detail display
Cat. PM 1 PM 2 Cat. PM 1 PM 2
Alternative Identification T10.290.58 T30.751.50
Collateralisation & Funding T10.290.58 T30.751.50
Corporate Actions T10.290.58 T30.751.50
Direct query field ident T10.290.58 T40.250.50
EU Savings Directive T10.290.58 T30.751.50
Extended Issuer data T10.290.58 T30.751.50
Fund Classifications / AIF T10.290.58 T30.751.50
IPO (Initial Public Offering) T10.290.58 T30.751.50
Interest information T10.290.58 T30.751.50
Investmentfunds Characteristics T10.290.58 T30.751.50
Investmentfunds Characteristics - Expert T20.350.70 T30.751.50
MiFID II - Cost transparency T10.290.58 T30.751.50
MiFID II - Reference data T10.290.58 T61.201.80
MiFID II - Target market T10.290.58 T61.201.80
PRIIPs Reference Data T10.290.58 T30.751.50
Regulatory Reporting T10.290.58 T30.751.50
Settlement T10.290.58 T30.751.50

Valid as of January 1, 2024
All prices are subject to the applicable statutory value-added tax.
For basic fees, administrative fees and wmGuide query fees, please refer to the respective three pricing model pages.

Further information on the query fee categories T1 to T6 including various examples and tips.


Use this page to find out which query profile contains a particular WM field.

Where to find the WM-Field?


User-specific query profiles

Name of the query profile Hit list Detail display
Cat. PM 1 PM 2 Cat. PM 1 PM 2
Each user-specific query profile with selective data fields from a maximum of one WM section or one WM product GAT, IFK, A & R, OHC, AIF T20.350.70 T30.751.50

Valid as of January 1, 2024
All prices are subject to the applicable statutory value-added tax.
For basic fees, administrative fees and wmGuide query fees, please refer to the respective three pricing model pages.


Particularity at price model 3 (WMACCESS On-Demand)

In price model 3 each hit list and detail display is counted as one query, regardless of the query profile. Therefore, you will not find any special information on this page which query fee category is charged for a particular hit list / detail display in a specific query profile in price model 3.


Particularity with field history (T4)

The query fee category T4 is also used for the field history - however, it is only charged if more than one historical occurrence (hit) for the selected field identification such as GD504C / "Application InvStG from 2018" is displayed.

To put it briefly:
Number of hits in field history is 0 or 1 = free of charge.
Number of hits in field history is greater 1 = query fee T4 is charged.


Field history with > 1 hit. Query fee category T4 is charged.

Field history with exactly 1 hit. No query fee is charged.


WMACCESS and www.wmaccess.com

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