The profile Investment Fund Characteristics contains general characteristics, fee structures and fiscal data on over 220.000 funds of currently more than 7.400 investment companies. This also includes the classification or the current percentage of receivables in the fund's assets, the basis for the classification from the EU directive, as well as the view in the event of distributions or sales and payments.
In this query profile, you will find among other data fields, the following:
Please note that, for licensing reasons, the above GD fields are exclusively available in the wmProfile query profile for Investmentfunds Characteristics and thus are not available in the wmView Securities Master Data.
GD441 This field identifies the features and focus of the fund in question.
Position | Content | Table |
1 | Fund category | GA1 |
2 | Fund type | GA2 |
3 | Category particularities | GA3 |
4 | Guarantees | GA4 |
5 | Maturities | GA5 |
6 - 7 | Countries, regions, issuer areas | GA6 |
8 - 9 | Currencies | GA7 |
10 - 11 | Sectors, segments, instruments | GA8 |
As of 5. October 2019
For current & full field descriptions and table values, please use wmGuide.
Position | Value | Information content |
1 | 4 | Money market funds |
2 | 1 | Open-ended funds |
3 | 6 | Tax optimised fund |
4 | 1 | Without guarantee |
5 | 1 | No maturity |
6 - 7 | 99 | No classification |
8 - 9 | 01 | Euro participant currencies |
10 - 11 | 99 | No classification |
By using wildcards, targeted research can be carried out, for example after tax-optimized money market funds. The search criterion for GD441 would be "4_6" in this case.
For further examples on using wildcards as well as useful information for the efficient use of wmView and wmProfile, please refer to the WMACCESS cheat sheet.
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