
News archive for 2011


66th WM Release

On October 24, 2011 the 66. WM Release will become effective. We would like to inform you about some upcoming alterations beforehand.

In context of the 66th WM release, we will also integrate the new WM product Business Assets Income Data (EBV) into WMACCESS.

New fields in the query profile Securities master data (G)

  • GD237 Administrative seat of german investment company by federal state
  • GD237A Share profit publication (Sec. 5(2)4 of the Investment Tax Law)

New fields in the query profile Investment fund characteristics

  • GD608A Adjustment contract conditions pursuant to AnsFuG
  • GD608B Adjustment date contract conditions pursuant to AnsFuG
  • GD608C Property funds redemption period
  • GD608D Property funds redemption days

New fields in the query profile Income data (E)

  • ED237 Administrative seat of german investment company by federal state
  • ED237A Demandable tax liquidity pursuant to section 7(3) nos. 1b, 2b, 7(3d) and (4) in connection with 7(3b) of the tax investment law
  • ED321 Tax liquidity exchange rate pursuant to section 7(3) no. 1b), 2b), paragraph 3d, 4) in connection with paragraph 3b) of the investment tax law
  • ED400A Investment income tax basis of assessment from interest, other income, foreign dividends and rental income as well as capital gains pursuant to section 5(1)1 no. 1d) aa) of the investment tax law (private assets)
  • ED400B Investment income tax basis of assessment from german dividends, german rental income and capital gains from german real porperty pursuant to section 5(1)1 no. 1d) aa) of the investment tax law (private assets)
  • ED400C Investment income tax basis of assessment from foreign dividends and capital gains pursuant to section 5(1)1 no. 1d) cc) of the investment tax law (private assets)
  • ED400D REIT dividends (business assets (corporate tax act))
  • ED400E Fictitious offsettable foreign withholding tax pursuant to section 5(1)1 no. 1f) ee) of the investment tax law (private assets)
  • ED400F Offsettable foreign withholding tax pursuant to section 5(1)1 no. 1f) aa) of the investment tax law (private assets)
  • ED400G Paid foreign withholding tax pursuant to section 5(1)1 no. 1h of the investment tax law (private assets)
  • ED400H Non-deductible tax allowable expenses pursuant to section 5(1)1 no. 1i of the investment tax law (private assets)
  • ED400I Zero identifier in ED039A
  • ED400J Zero identifier in ED400H
  • ED400K Zero identifier in ED400H
  • ED400L Zero identifier in ED400A
  • ED400M Zero identifier in ED400B
  • ED400N Zero identifier in ED400C
  • ED430A DTA-exempted income pursuant to section 5(1)1 no. 1c) gg) of the investment tax law (private assets)
  • ED430B DTA-exempted income pursuant to section 5(1)1 no. 1c) gg) of the investment tax law (buisness assets (corporation tax act))
  • ED431 Fictitious offsettable foreign withholding tax pursuant to section 5(1)1 no. 1f) ee) of the investment tax law (buisness assets (corporation tax act))
  • ED432 Taxable interest and other income on business assets, domestic and not DTA-exempted rental income and capital gains from real porperty less than 10 years (business assets (corporation tax act))
  • ED433 REIT dividends (private assets)
  • ED434 German REIT dividends (private assets)
  • ED435 Dividend income not including REIT dividends (private assets)
  • ED436 Capital gains on other securities and profits on futures (private assets)
  • ED437 Capital gains on shares not including REIT shares (private assets)
  • ED438 Income in interim profits (private assets)
  • ED439 Offsettable foreign withholding tax on REIT dividends (private assets)
  • ED440 Deductible foreign withholding tax on dividends (private assets)
  • ED441 Fictitious offsettable foreign withholding tax on dividends (private assets)
  • ED442 Foreign REIT dividends with offsettable fictitious withholding tax (private assets)
  • ED443 Foreign dividend income with offsettable fictitious withholding tax (private assets)
  • ED444 Offsettable foreign withholding tax on dvidends (private assets)
  • ED445 Interest (barrier regulation) pursuant to section 5(1)1 no. 1c) cc) of the investment tax law (business assets)
  • ED446 Offsettable foreign withholding tax pursuant to section 5(1)1 no. 1c) cc) of the investment tax law (business assets (corporation tax act))
  • ED447 Capital gains on other securities and profits on futures (business assets (corporation tax act))
  • ED448 REIT-dividends (business assets (income tax act))
  • ED449 DTA-exempted income without progression clause pursuant to section 5(1)1 no.1c) hh) of invest-ment tax law (business assets (income tax act))
  • EV401 Distribution amount pursuant to section 5(1)1 no. 1a) of investment tax law (business assets)
  • EV402 Previous years' deemed distribution income pursuant to section 5(1)1 no.1a) aa) of the investment tax law (business assets)
  • EV403 Substance distribution pursuant to section 5(1)1 no.1a) bb) of the investment tax law (business assets)
  • EV404 Distributed income pursuant to section 5(1)1 no.1b) of the investment tax law (business assets)
  • EV405 Gross reinvestment pursuant to section 5(1)1 no. 2 in connection with no. 1b) of the investment tax law (business assets)
  • EV406 Foreign income with offsettable foreign withholding tax pursuant to section 5(1)1 no. 1c) ii) of the investment tax law (business assets)
  • EV407 Foreign dividend income with offsettable foreign withholding tax pursuant to section 5(1)1 no. 1c) jj) of the investment tax law (business assets)
  • EV408 Foreign income with offsettable fictitious with-holding tax pursuant to section 5(1)1 no. 1c) kk) of the investment tax law (business assets)
  • EV409 Foreign dividend income with offsettable fictitious withholding tax pursuant to section 5(1)1 no. 1c) ll) of the investment tax law (business assets)
  • EV410 Investment income tax basis of assessment from interest, other income, foreign dividends and rental income as well as capital gains pursuant to section 5(1)1 no. 1d) aa) of the investment tax law (business assets)
  • EV411 Investment income tax basis of assessment from german dividends, german rental income and capital gains from german real porperty pursuant to section 5(1)1 no. 1d) aa) of the investment tax law (business assets)
  • EV412 Investment income tax basis of assessment from foreign dividends and capital gains pursuant to section 5(1)1 no. 1d) cc) of the investment tax law (business assets):
  • EV413 Offsettable foreign withholding tax on dividends pursuant to section 5(1)1 no. 1f) bb) of the investment tax law (business assets)
  • EV414 Deductible foreign withholding tax pursuant to section 5(1)1 no. 1f cc) of the investment tax law (busines assets)
  • EV415 Deductible foreign withholding tax on dividends pursuant to section 5(1)1 no. 1f dd) of the investment tax law (business assets)
  • EV416 Fictitious offsettable foreign withholding tax on dividends pursuant to section 5(1)1 no. 1f ff) of the investment tax law (business assets)
  • EV417 Deduction for depreciation for wear and tear or of assets pursuant of section 5(1)1 no. 1g) of the investment tax law (business assets)
  • EV418 Paid foreign withholding tax pursuant to section 5(1)1 no. 1h of the investment tax law (business assets)
  • EV419 Non-deductible tax allowable expenses pursuant to section 5(1)1 no. 1i of the investment tax law (business assets)
  • EV420 Investment income tax basis of assessment from german rental income and real property as per section 7(3)1 no.2 of the investment tax law (business assets)
  • EV421 German REIT dividends (business assets)
  • EV422 Capital gains on shares before 2009 (business assets)
  • EV423 Tax free capital gains (business assets)
  • EV424 Offsettable foreign withholding tax on REIT dividends (business assets)
  • EV425 Foreign REIT dividends with offsettable withholding tax (business assets)

Frozen fields

The two fields GD863 income equalization procedure and GV683 selling restrictions (both master data) will be frozen. Both fields have been replaced:

  • ID925 income equalization procedure (Sec 5(3) of the Investment Tax Act)
  • GV989 selling restrictions - including country category

Both static data fields will be removed from detail screen of query profile Securities master data (G).

Further information from WM Datenservice:

Index data

Please note the following news release dated June 6, 2011 to the elimination of various data fields from the index data.



Index data as of October 2011

The index data segment is currently experiencing a degree of upheaval as a result of market consolidation and licensing changes.
As WM Datenservice is still held to delivering weighting data in separate packages for licensing reasons, selected fields will be removed from the Master File (GAT) and become available in the Index Reference (IXR) product only.

The product Index Reference is currently not a part of WMACCESS, so that the affected data fields will be no longer available as of October 24, 2011.

Affected data fields:

  • GV333-GV347 Index components
  • GV739 Standard equity indices
  • GV791 and GV792 Securities in indices

Further information from WM Datenservice:

Customer information K10 from March 24, 2011



65th WM Release

On June 27, 2011 the 65. WM Release will become effective. We would like to inform you about some upcoming alterations beforehand.

New fields in the query profile Securities master data (G)

  • GD189C Reverse structure identifier
  • GD189D Quanto (currency hedged) identifier
  • GV276 Underlying instrument price (Value at Issue)

New fields in the query profile Investment fund characteristics

  • GD258A Front-end loading charge particularities
  • GD258B Administration fee particularities
  • GD258C Custodian bank fee particularities
  • GD258D Management fee particularities
  • GD258E Back-end loading charge particularities
  • GD258F Flat fee particularities
  • GD326 Performance fee identifier
  • GV868 UCITS-IV Ongoing charges
  • GD869 Fund category as per UCITS-IV
  • GV871 SRRI (Synthethic Risc and Reward Indicator)

New fields in the query profile Income data (E)

  • ED235 Investment income tax basis of assessment from german rental income and real property as per section 7(3)no.2 of the investment tax law
  • ED235A Zero identifier re. ED235
  • ED236 Income equalization as per sec. 5(1) nr.3 of the investment tax law

Frozen fields

No data fields will be frozen with this WM Release.

Further information from WM Datenservice:

Customer information K11 from March 31, 2011
Customer information K12 from May 13, 2011
Special information F16 from May 17, 2011 about

Special information F19 from May 25, 2011 about
amendments to balance sheet statistics (BISTA)



Browser support

The support for Firefox and Opera was improved particularly in respect of optics and handling. Also Chrome and Safari are now supported.

Logos of supported browsers

WMACCESS was tested with the current, stable versions of the five browsers under Windows, partly also under Linux.

Please note:

For the display of hints like "The hit list is empty" you must allow popups.

Check whether WMACCESS may use popups in your browser.



Query reference for the individual cost allocation

From February 1st, wmView, wmProfile and user-specific query profiles provide the option to record a query reference with up to 15 alphanumeric characters.

This query reference is stated on our monthly invoices. The sum of all performed queries and incurred costs for each query reference individually chosen by you is stated on a separate attachment to the invoice.
An example can be seen on page 3 of our sample invoice (quick view).

This allows the allocation of the costs for the performed queries to your individual clients, for example in the event of a voluntary declaration.

Recording of a query reference, e. g. a client number, file number or project number

The query reference recorded for a search is displayed in the hit lists as well as detail displays and can thus be seen on all print-outs.

The query reference is bound to the window (wmView, wmProfile or user profiles) and in the event of a change of the query profiles is transferred within one window. It is therefore not necessary to enter the query reference for every single search.

The query reference is not an obligatory field. Queries that were made without reference are summarised under "*Not specified*" on the attachment to the invoice.

The additional attachment to the invoice is only sent if at least one query reference was used within the billing period.

This additional function is available at no charge.



64th WM Release

On February 21, 2011 the 64. WM Release will become effective. We would like to inform you about some upcoming alterations beforehand.

New fields in the query profile Securities master data (G)

  • GD223E Coupon definition (ECB)
  • GD231A Superordinate issuer number allocation reason
  • GD312A Number of delay days
  • GD312B Type of delay days
  • GD970I Section 20a of the German Banking Act (KWG) identifier

New fields in the query profile Investment fund prices & interim profits

  • ID924 TISBis Belgium
  • ID925 Income equalization procedure (Sec. 5(3) of the Investment Tax Act)

New fields in the query profile Conversion (U)

  • UD025A Clearstream Banking AG deviating ex date
  • UD034A Clearstream Banking AG deviating detachment date

New fields in the query profile Investment fund characteristics

  • GV168 Fund minimum investment amount (in connection with single payments and savings plans)
  • GD971A Fund granularity (individual investment may not exceed 5%)
  • GD971B Date re. granularity

New fields in the query profile Stock exchanges & trading practices (X)

  • XD171 Flat quotation

Frozen fields

No data fields will be frozen with this WM Release.

Further information from WM Datenservice:

Customer information K02a from January 28, 2011
Customer information K29a from January 3, 2011
Special information from January 17, 2010 about income adjustment procedure


WMACCESS and www.wmaccess.com

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