
wmProfile - Corporate Actions

Comprehensive search of the corporate action data segments for performed and upcoming corporate events.

  • Income

    • Dividends
    • Interest payments
    • Investment distributions incl. all tax-relevant details on the income (cash and retained)
    • Other payouts
  • Conversions

    • Mergers
    • Option conditions
    • Conversion rights
    • Liquidations
    • Acquisition and buyback offers
  • Capital measures

    • Capital increases
    • Unbundling
    • Subscription rights
    • Conversion rights
    • Offers for sale
    • Subscription offers
    • Splits
    • Stock dividends
  • General meetings

    • Regular / irregular general meetings
    • Meetings of creditors
    • General meetings
    • Shareholder meetings
    • Interim reports
    • Annual press conference
  • Final maturities

    • Maturities
    • Drawings
    • Terminations

Search mask Corporate Actions

The search function performs a limitation of the corporate actions to be selected by means of a timeframe. The definition of the timeframe depends on the type of measure and considers the following WM date fields:

Income (Segment E)

  • ED007 Ex date
  • ED020 Record date
  • ED021 Payment date CBF
  • ED022 Payable on CBF
  • ED031 Coupon due date
  • ED060 Inflow date

Conversions (Segment U)

  • UD025 Ex date
  • UD016A Offer period from
  • UD016B Offer period to
  • UD016 Conversion period
  • UD018 Payment date
  • UD027 Record date
  • UD034 Detachment date
  • UD193C CASG effective date
  • UD193B Durable Medium effective date

Capital measures (Segment K)

  • KD018 Ex date
  • KD014A Beginning of subscription period
  • KD014B End of subscription period
  • KD014 Subscription period
  • KD019 Payable date
  • KD032 Record date
  • KD013 Detachment date

General meetings (Segment H)

  • HD008 HV/GV date
  • HD017 Document request period
  • HD010 Last transfer date
  • HD011 German Federal Gazette publication date
  • HD023 Shareholder survey date
  • HD024 Shareholder survey deadline

Final maturities (Segment V)

  • VD009 Maturity date
  • VD010 Payment date
  • VD049 Ex date
  • VD048 Record date in VVK
  • VD007 Drawing / announcement date
  • VD033 CBF international deadline

Exclude cancelled events

In addition to the period definition, the exclusion of cancelled events ☑️ is another search criterion for the targeted restriction of search results.
A cancelled event exists when the status of a corporate event contains one of the following expressions:

  • S = Cancellation of entire announcement
  • T = Cancellation of entire announcement due to ISIN change
  • U = Cancellation due to duplicate/renewed publication

The status of a corporate event is reflected in the following WM fields:

  • Income:
    ED001 Payment status (Table: E13)
  • Conversions:
    UD001 Conversion status (Table: U25)
  • Capital changes:
    KD001 Capital measure status (Table: K12)
  • General meetings:
    HD001 Meeting or announcement status (Table: H25)
  • Final maturities:
    VD001 Drawing or calling status (Table: V11)

Corporate events without dates

For certain Corporate Actions, the WM date fields listed above are usually not populated. Some examples of such corporate events are:

  • Conversions (segment U): Amendments to the contract terms in connection with the durable medium
  • Conversions (segment U): Insolvency proceedings
  • Capital adjustments (segment K): Changes to the commercial register, e.g. entries in the commercial register due to amendments to the articles of association
  • Shareholders' Meetings (segment H): Class Action

Such corporate actions can be displayed using the functionality Include events without date ☑️.

If this search function is activated, corporate actions are also taken into account and displayed in the hit list which do not (yet) contain any information in the WM date fields listed above. Nevertheless, these corporate events may contain a corresponding date in other, less common WM date fields or in the general text (such as KD998).


To search for corporate actions without a date, an ISIN, a WKN or a position group is required as a search criterion, in addition to the period specification.

Search mask Corporate Actions. For each type of measure, a checkbox ☑️ for inclusion / exclusion is available. By default, cancelled events are excluded and events without date included. This can be changed by deactivating the associated checkbox.


Selection of sorting

In addition to the search criteria, the sorting of the hits can also be determined. The hit list is sorted by default by the respective date in descending order, which means that the most recent events are listed first. Alternatively, you can choose to sort primarily by the type of measure (action); in this case, sorting within the same type of measure will still be by date. Events without dates and deadlines are considered last in the respective sorting order.

Hit list Corporate Actions

The hit list itself contains an overview of the corporate actions found for the entered search criteria. Besides the measure type as well as ISIN, abbreviation and WKN, also the date fields are displayed analogous to the meaning of the search mask.

Since the hit list column "Date" is only displayed once per hit, this column contains the first date in the sequence of date fields listed per type of capital measure / segment.

The conversion period (UD016A and UD016B or UD016) and subscription period (KD014A and KD014B or KD014) are not included in the date column and are shown as period from/to.

Hit list Corporate Actions for the overview of the corporate actions found.

The second to last column column of the hit list with the title Event Type contains a sub-classification of the corporate event depending on the type of measure and are represented by the following WM-Fields and associated WM-Tables:

  • Income:
    Dividend payment type (Field: ED005 / Table: E02)
  • Conversions:
    Exchange reason (Field: UD008A / Table: U20)
  • Capital changes:
    Capital measure type (Field: KD005 / Table: K01)
  • General meetings:
    Type of shareholders' meeting (Field: HD006 / Table: H02)
  • Final maturities:
    Redemption type (Field: VD005 / Table: V01)

To the right of the event type, the status of a corporate event is displayed. This display allows you to immediately see whether a capital measure, for example, has been cancelled. The possible status values depend on the type of corporate event. For more details, also see the overview of status WM fields with associated WM tables.

Using the toggle function, the status column can be exchanged for GD100 (reason for the security's status) to view the current status of the security of the corporate event.


The comprehensive search of the corporate actions with the query profile "Corporate Actions" is especially suitable in combination with the portfolio-related query function in order to create an overview of upcoming corporate actions for the next days or weeks for stock instruments.


Detail display of a corporate event

After selecting a data set from the hit list, all not empty data fields of the relevant segment are displayed - analogous to the query profiles in wmView.

Detail display of a corporate event with all available detail information.


WMACCESS and www.wmaccess.com

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